It's coming to the end of another year and what a year it has been! We've had many ups and downs but this post is all about the positives so let's get started!
I joined the gym at the beginning of 2013 and this place was like a second home. 4-5 times a week I worked out to various classes like Zumba, MMA, kickboxing, step aerobics and boot camp Wednesdays! So therapeutic and the best medicine for depression! It's not the first time I've joined the gym but it's a first for going faithfully for the year and taking these classes!
Bought our first mattress for our queen-size bed. The bed frame I've had since I was in high school, lol! Who knows, maybe next year we'll go one step further and buy or make a new headboard. Sleeping on this mattress was a little bit of heaven, sigh!
When to Utah and did a live session at the SL temple for the first was interesting!
Did a 4.5 mile run on the Bona Vista trail with Becca and these two!
We left SLC and headed to Boise, Idaho to visit my dear friend Lara and her beautiful girls. The funny thing about Boise was that my husband, who has only ever wanted to live in Hawaii, loved it so much, he said he wouldn't mind living there, lol! That's a shocker!
Ever heard of that song, "The long and winding road"? Well that's what we took from Boise, Idaho to get to Elkoooooooo, Nevada! I feel like Elko should be said with a southern twang for no other reason than just the word itself! Getting there was an adventure with narrow, twisty roads and lots of ravines but the scenery was absolutely gorgeous! Loved Elko, but the best part of it was...
finally meeting this lovely gal who I became friends with on Facebook. My husband met her and her family while serving his mission in Hawaii many years ago. Ardis is one of the sweetest person I know and we loved visiting with her and her family.
Decided to try my hand at square-foot gardening except I didn't have any sunny space in my backyard. My solution to that was the local community garden.
This tiny plot was a balm to my troubled soul over the ensuing summer months. These beautiful plants heard my trials and tribulations, felt my tears and soothed my mind. It helped me while preparing to...
send the first of our six children on a mission! Meet Chelsea who is now serving in Chiclayo, Peru! No matter how much you tell yourself that you can handle sending your child off into the strange unknown, nothing really prepares you for that gut-wrenching moment when you know you're not going to see them for a long, long time!
Receiving her mission call!
Going to the temple!
Getting set apart!
Had a sleepover with BOTH these dynamic duos! They kept Lola on her toes, lol! Love my grandchildren!!!
Went parasailing with these two in Hawaii, lol!
My first success at growing lupines after years of trying!
Visited the St. George Temple.
Bought our first brand new vehicle...a 2014 Kia Rondo with heated front and back seats, remote car starter, a must for me and plenty more never-before accessories, lol! I think I'm finally growing up!!!!!
Preparing for a mission is hard work, seeing them off is heart-wrenching getting photos like these is priceless! Her first package, cost a fortune but was worth every penny!
Spent our 23rd wedding anniversary in Montego Bay, Jamaica!
“Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn’t know you left open.” – John Barrymore
1 comment:
What a great year for good changes for you Lesley... Chealsea will be home before you know it ;-)
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