Saturday, October 12, 2013

By chance!

I came across another blog quite by chance. I began reading her blog and it caused me to really think, to look inside myself, to contemplate before writing. I think it's because she writes so beautifully, almost hypnotically! I love the questions she poses and because of this I refuse to share her blog. I want to learn more, read more, ask more...yes, yes, yes, I know that makes me selfish and I'm going to own it. What do I want my blog to be? Do I want it to be just the generic "only" happy stuff or do I want it to be personal, just slightly gut-wrenching, filled with the occasional happy stuff with some cheesy pictures thrown in? Don't get me wrong, I happen to like the "happy" stuff with cheesy photos to boot. In fact, I love them!!! However, life has a way of throwing some interesting curve balls when you least expect it and quite frankly, I'm not good at keeping it all "happy, happy, go lucky"! Sometimes I need to pour my soul out and hope no one stomps on it. Sometimes, I'm looking for comments that says, "there, there, it'll be alright" and sometimes it's just me putting it down for the record. Either way, I'm going to let my inner person, you know, the one that keeps me up at nights with crazy question after question , the voice that argues with me about everything when I have to make important decisions...recognize it? I'm going to let that voice dictate when I feel like writing and posting and in between all that I going to post pictures, lots, and lots of pictures!







Launna said...

I love the blogs that are real, the happy go lucky ones are sweet Lesley but that is not real life... I go up and down with mine.. I try to keep it happy and together but there are times I am just not happy... Sometimes I curb myself from writing because it would be much to painful for anyone to read. I wrote a few like that a couple of weeks ago... people didn't know what to say to me... I say write it down, say what's on your mind girl :)

The Purple Assassin. said...

Happiness is a rare pursuit.
I checked myself and saw I only wrote to let go.
It's a personal choice I guess. :)