It's been a while since my last post and I've become resigned to the fact that this is not my time to blog on a regular basis. Having said that, I still enjoy writing about things that are personal to me and my family, experiences that I don't mind sharing. At the ripe old age of 45, I've been thinking about what the next 5 years will mean to me. Our oldest child, Tiffani will attain another degree under her belt with her MBA and hopefully happily married to her chosen fellow. Savannah and Brandon should celebrate 6 years of wedded bliss and our beautiful grandson, Hayden will have started school and possibly big brother to another little Webber. Hopefully Brandon is going to find an awesome job in his chosen career and continue to be the wonderful husband and father he has proven to be. Chelsea will have graduated from nursing school and on her way to fire fighting school to fulfill her dreams, lol, which would also mean that she has gotten her driver's licence. Hopefully, Angus, dear Angus will thankfully buckle down and finally accept that he has to work really hard in high school and put all those brilliant gifts he has been blessed with to use. He will have graduated and chose his future well in accordance to his heart. Our boy Camden will also have completed his high school career and have moved on to something that will showcase his smarts, something he has never felt he had. Raven, our baby, will be as beautiful as she is stubborn, which can be a good thing and a bad thing. She will hopefully at this stage of her life decide on something which will not be changed after a few months of fixation, lol. All in all, I just want our children to be healthy and happy. I want them to find love the way I have. I know what has been good for me isn't necessarily good for them. I look forward to seeing them make the changes that will bring them a lifetime of memories. My yoga instructor once told me that the grooves between your brows are a sign of regret. I thought that was the perfect name for those lines because I don't believe there are anyone out there who doesn't have regrets...that would be like saying you've never made a mistake. I have many regrets, something that if I think about too long, would depress me. The good thing about regrets are the other emotions that balance and outweighs it. I have moments of joy, sadness, happiness, despair, loneliness, thrill, awe, inspiration, love, desire, weakness and strength. Through it all, regret is woven in amongst them. In 5 years, I hope to have a photo album in my heart of our life together filled with all these gifts of emotions to remind me of the greatest gift I have ever known and that is my Heavenly Father and our Saviour Jesus Christ, who have always been my friends even when I haven't wanted to be theirs. I remind myself when I have been angry or disappointed by others that they are, after all, mere mortals and sometime their imperfections and inabilities are there to help us learn forgiveness and understanding, something I "suck" at. At the tender age of 45, I have realized that I am soooooo much smarter and wiser on any given day, just as I can be foolish and inept on others. One of my many regrets is wasted emotions and the time I spent being angry over someone else's ignorance and meanness. Part of the wisdom I have attained, lol, is that I am master and commander of my reactions. Why, oh, why did I not learn this lesson years ago, sigh? It would have allowed me to channel all those angry and hurt feelings into indifference to other peoples' childish behaviour and more time on my family. Lesson learned!!!! See, I told you I was wiser! On to better and funnier posts, hopefully in the near future.
Nice update...I too always think about the future. Maybe more now thatn ever since I had a baby.
Funny how life does that to a person.
I posted this a couple of days ago, how I wish I had learned lessons earlier but I have learned them now and I am extremely happy that I now know them;)
This post is sooooo what i needed right now! So glad I came across it! Sending lots of Aloha your way from my lil town in Wyoming!
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