Friday, March 4, 2011

Due to the contents of this blog,viewer discretion is advised....

Today I am venting.  Actually right now I am fuming.  I'm sure I probably have steam coming out of my ears.  I usually try to keep my blog upbeat and thoughtful of other people's feelings but today it's all about me. Today I want to scream, cry or throw something. I want to tell that poor sister who tried to warn me all those years ago when I really, really, really liked my children, that your warning about teenagers and how horrible they can be, has come true. I am soooooooo tired of teenagers who think they pay the mortgage, water bill, cable & power bill and  feel they have the right to not do their school work and still expect the privileges of doing whatever they feel like.  I am so angry at my usually wonderful husband who sometimes doesn't get what I deal with on a day to day basis and when he comes home, I'm the bad guy and he's the one who seems reasonable.  I am tired of trying to do scripture studies with my kids every morning and have them grumble and complain because I am doing what needs to be done.  I am so tired of being a doormat for everyone.  I am angry at the man who saw that my car was in line to get gas at the gas station and felt that he was more important and drove his car in front of me. I am so angry that I couldn't even appreciate Rhonda's beautiful pictures this morning although I do love the one of the guy in the field.  I am angry right this very minute and I know that by the end of the day I will feel better but until then please just let me vent....argggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


Channynba said...

Venting is a way of keeping sane.
I hope everything looks better by the end of the day.

WCreativeDesigns said...

I think you should make something yummy in your kitchen that you love and eat it for dinner! This day shall pass and hey spring is on it's way!!

JO said...

Hey, it is Jo over at frosted happy cupcakes. I went to the JB movie the other night with you guys :) Just read your comment that you made the chocolate cupcakes. Do you remember where you came across it? I would like to source the recipe. THANKS

Terri said...

Your human! Whew... every time I saw a post or comment from you, you were happy, sweet and genuine all the time... nice to know your human like EVERYONE else! I hope it felt good to vent, because I thought it was honest and great and I am sure that you don't feel like that today. We all know that it is better to get things out, even if some stranger like moi reads it. ;-)

I hope you day is brighter today, Lesley!

Just Rhonda said...

Sometimes we need to vent!!!!!