Thursday, September 30, 2010

An unforgettable moment in time...

I know have been really slack in posting updates.  However not being a staying-at-home mom anymore, has seriously cramped my blogging lifestyle and because of this, my blog has been sadly neglected.  Soooooooooooo
without much further ado, here's what occupied a lot of my time this past summer.

Let's start at the very beginning...the invitations, wedding favors and photo came about with the help of friends and family.
 Brandon waiting for his bride and Hayden waiting for his mommy, along with the wedding party and guests.
Here comes the beautiful bride(if I do say so myself) and my sweet husband Darren.  I loved the exchanging of bride for grandson.
 I have to admit, I did shed a tear or two when both the bride and groom said their vows that they had written for each other.
 Mr. and Mrs. Williwam Brandon Tyler Sangster-Webber...Brandon cringed every time Bishop Pilling used his whole name, lol!
 Some of our family and friends.
 Coming back from taking pictures.
 Savannah and some of her cousins...Madlyn, Kaelyn and Logan Blinn.
 I was really pleased at the way the cake turned out. considering the top was made at the local grocery store, the stand made by Bert Hartling and the cupcakes and frosting was done by my friends and I.
 A collage of all the guests, except I forgot the table that held my mom and kids, lol!
 Hayden had no idea what was going on or why he was wearing a this little guy!
 The entire wedding party.
 The first dance...Bryan Adams, "Everything I do"...totally Canadian, lol!
 I must say I was rather choked up when I stopped to listen to the words of this song for the daddy/daughter dance..."I Loved You First", Heartland.
Brandon and his lovely mom, Cathy
 Brandon's rendition of getting the garter...totally hilarious!  "I'm a slave for you", Brittany Spears.
 The guests and family by the light of the bonfire.
 The Drage family...some of them.

1 comment:

The Full Nelson said...

I love the Heartland sweet! Glad that everything went well for the wedding. Definately must have kept you busy for the summer!