It's been a long time since I last posted anything. Mainly because you think no one is really interested, lol, and sometimes you just don't know what to say. So this post is not so much about saying as just seeing. This is what I have been up to the last 5 months. We'll start off with my hero and best friend, my husband Darren. Our 20th anniversary is this coming December and after 18 years of marriage my husband decided to go back to school. I was fully supportive and loved his new found excitement. We rode the highs and the lows with him.

Our daughter Chelsea took pleasure in tutoring her dad and with her help, he was able to pass his math exams. As a result of hard work and dedication, my husband
graduated from
NSCC. What a proud moment for our family! Unfortunately we only had 5 tickets so Camden and Raven couldn't be there.

The next 'Fraser' highlight was
Raven's birthday and
Easter. My baby is growing up, sigh!

It happened to fall pretty close to each other this year so we celebrated it together with our

annual Easter egg hunt. It was a really full day for the family. I made cupcakes this year for Raven's birthday to try out my Martha Stewart's cupcake book...they certainly turned out better than Bert and Ernie, lol! We finally broke down and gave her what she's been asking for forever.

This year also happened to be
Hayden's first egg hunt as well. Call me a little bias but isn't he adorable!

What a joy he is to have around...can't wait to hear him call me Lola! it will be interesting to see how he does next year when he can look for his own eggs.

egg hunt has always been my favorite family tradition at Easter and the kids look forward to it no matter the age.

As time goes on the numbers seem to increase and the excitement never diminishes. These moments are more precious now because of the heartaches we have endured.
It reminds me of how much family means to me. Raven's birthday was April 4th and her daddy's birthday was April 28th.

Before we were married, Darren told me of an incident that really made birthdays for him, a "
dreaded" affair. I vowed that I would always make his birthdays a "
big" deal because he is such a humble person...I do love this man! This year he asked for a quiet dinner and a movie, just he and I. He made me promise!

Of course, he forgot that other people thinks he's pretty special too and came along for the ride.

They even chose the restaurant, lol! Fortunately, he's also a forgiving kind of guy.
May 1st was
Angus's birthday but fr some strange reason the only photo I have of him, is him holding his birthday gift.

That is really strange because my middle name should be "overkill" when it comes to taking pictures. I'll have to hunt them down somehow. That really bothers me! Since I'm short on birthday pics, I'll post the ones I had wanted to use.

Angus decided he wanted to try out for the
cheerleading team this year. I did wonder about it until I saw this picture. Notice the different color uniforms...that's the local
high school cheerleading team lifting my son who is only in
junior high, lol. This next event is a huge deal for me. Keep in mind that it is still May and we live in Canada. It was our
Victoria Day weekend and guess where we were?

That's right...
THE BEACH!!!!! It was a balmy 28 degrees and we were at our summer home, lol! It was incredible. It felt like the tropics and I was soaking it up.

The beach toys, beach blanket, beach bag and all the other beach goodies came out of the attic. I didn't care if it was a one-time deal, we were going to enjoy the day.

All in all, it was a memorable holiday. The only regret was that Chelsea was not with us. She was busy studying for her finals.

The next and last birthday till fall was Camden's. He turned 12 and received the Aaronic priesthood. He also went to the Temple for the first time. He's made a vow to do 1000 baptisms...he loves it!

We celebrated his birthday at my mom's because she was leaving to go to NY for my nephew's graduation.

Notice the very fat candle on the cake, lol...we forgot the candles. I know this has been a super long post but so much time has flown by, that I thought I would just get as much in on this post. I'm sure I have forgotten some things but my brain doesn't work as well as it use to. Life has not always been kind but through it all there are moments that make it all worth while. Enjoy!
well welcome back to the blogging world, for someone who said she had nothing exciting to share over the past few months, you sure shared a lot, and it's nice to have you back blogging. Keep it a regular thing please and thanks!! Cute swim suit Lola!!
Glad to finally see a post!!! Sounds like a busy five months!
So good to see you back on here. Love the gigantic candle and that sweet grand baby!!
Great comment! That's a good lesson to remember.
One thing that I loved in our meetings was when our friend spoke about becoming like Christ. He said that is our purpose become as Christlike as we can. It's easy to focus on other or careers for example...but we must keep our focus on the main goal always: To become like our Savior.
Love ya! We should do this every week!! Have a wonderful Sunday my dear.
Fun to see what you're up to!
Great to see an update......hopefully we'll see some more of your summer adventures on here.....
I think we need to motivate each other to post a little more often! ...That's a lot of news in a few paragraphs!
My turn to catch up
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