Well since my last blog pleading for help, I thought it was only fair that I update you on all our latest adventures. My husband Darren, is very talented when it comes to anything mechanical or to do with computers. He can take apart things that are broken and put them back, working even better than before. This gift he has gotten from his father and it seemed to have been passed on to our oldest son Angus. For this reason, we have always been able to keep our vehicles and computers running longer than mos

t. This talent of his will be put to the ultimate test. For the next ten months, my wonderful husband will be going to school while turning 44 in April. He found out about an aviation maintenance course being offered at NSCC starting in March and he just knew it was something he should do. So on a leap of faith, he quit his job(they wouldn't lay him off or fire him) and went for it. So far, everytime we have come across an obstacle, some miracle happens and the way has been made clear for him to start this venture. For example, he needed gr.12 academic math, which he did not have. Suddenly, the requirements were changed and he only needed to have gr. 11 math. He also needed to pay over $300.00 to secure his placement, once he was accepted and then it changed to $100.00(much more affordable). These miracles reinforce our faith and left us with a firm belief that if we do our part, the Lord will guide us through the rest. "
Coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous"

. On top of all that, we just bought a newer van. Yes, I know some of you out there will think we are crazy but we have 5 children living at home and driving back and forth at least least 6 times in our little car on Sundays was just a bit much. We needed to buy it while Darren was still getting a paycheck. Anyway that in itself was another miracle that happened. We had been looking at a 2009 Kia Sedona
(AWESOME VAN) and had Darren kept his job, the payments would have been a breeze. However with the knowledge that he may have to quit, which nullifies him getting UI, we decide to by-pass the van. Long and short of it is, when he went to get his deposit back, the guy told him about this 2005 Kia Sedona that had just come in and had had only 31,000 kms on it. It

was practically brand new. It still had the new vehicle smell to it. My honey dickered with the guy and talked him down $1,500 more and got a 5-year bumper-to-bumper warranty on it. We couldn't have gotten a better deal. In fact, it was an anniversary edition that came out August of 2005 and so it had a few perks to it that the other models didn't have. One of those perks is the sonar that tells you that you are too close to something when you're backing up. This will come in handy since Darren will be teaching a couple of kids to drive. It also has the heated wipers so that you don't have to worry about your windshield during snowy weather and I love the car alarm as well. There are 14 cup holders, a lot of outlets for

our portable dvd players and an outlet for your cooler,
do I hear road trip, anyone, lol?? It has some other features, besides power everything and air conditioning but I can't remember it all. I have to say though, because of the light interior and 5 kids, I covered all the mats with heavy plastic until we can get some rubber mats to cover the light grey ones. So now we just have to keep it, lol! I know we have some rough roads ahead of us but I have a lot of faith that we're never alone no matter what choices we make. I just want to thank all my blogging friends for your unconditional support and I love that I can share this part of my life with you and know that you only have good thoughts for me and my family. I have a lot of faith in my husband who has always worked hard to provide for his family. He always said that if he lost his job, he would flip burgers if it meant putting food on the table. Some people discover early in life what their dream are, my husband just took the roundabout way to get to his.
Best of luck with all of your exciting changes!
YAY for new vans! We looked pretty seriously at the Sedonas and the Toyota Sienna, but Honda won (as it always will with me!!). I'm glad you got such a great deal...."crazy" how things work out!! You guys will never regret this small sacrifice you are making now to better your lives. Love ya!
If you take a road trip you're coming here!!!Congrats on the van you sorely needed it! The blessings always come AFTER the leap of faith!
I am soooo happy for you guys! We took that same leap of faith back in the summer of 2005 and have had no regrets! Only blessings! My husband is graduating May 2nd and is starting his new job May 11th!I'm serious, only blessings come when you follow your heart and of course the promptings that he recieved!!
I thought about you guys during Elder Hales' talk this morning! :)
oooh that's exciting!!! The van looks great too!!!
You commented on my blog about our similar menus; let me just say we have similar husbands. Mine is also talking about returning to school in the next several years for his masters (he is currently 39) and the thought of it SCARES me; we just got out of school 4 years ago next month. I don't want to go through that again. I totally know what you're feeling. You can take a road trip in your new van (which looks amazing by the way!) and come see me on the Island, we'll have a support group.
Glad it's all working out.
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