So this past Sunday our first grandchild, Hayden was blessed. It's getting a little easier saying certain words that has grand before it,lol. My husband Darren had the privilege and honor of doing it. It was an incredible day with friends and family there to witness the event. Hayden was a perfectly good sport. It was a wonderful blessing and I know our daughter S

avannah was thrilled with it all. Brandon's mom, grandmother and uncle were able be there and it added to the memories we are recording for little Hayden. Afterwards everyon

e headed over to our home for a potluck supper. Needless to say, it was quite interesting seeing as we have a tiny house with an awful lot of friends and family. However I think that just adds to the fun. The kids had a great time as the pictures will show. What impressed me the most about the children was how they overcame their shyne

ss with each other and just had a jolly good time. It was the right combination of people. The converstion was flowing. I was busy running back and forth between the kitchen and the living room so I missed half of it, lol! The two grandmothers had no problems bonding! They got on like a house on

fire. It was my mom's first time seeing Hayden as she was in New York for over four months visiting my brother and his family. Travel is another thing the

two grandmothers seem to have in common. Of course my mom is the great-grand mom and Kathie is the grandmother. Either way, they were pretty chummy, lol! This also gave us an opportunity to take a picture of the four generations of family. It's also

one of those rare moments where I actually looked pretty good in the picture. It was a pretty amazing day all round. It didn't seem so long ago when I felt like my life was full of darkness. What helped a lot was my blogging friends' words of encouragement. There were times when I had to go back into my older posts to reread those heart-warming words. There are a lot more pictures which I will be posting on facebook.
So sweet! Enjoy every minute cause they all go by so fast!
What a sweetie-pie! Congratulations!
what a wonderful day!! sounds like it was fabulous even if a bit crowded! hayden is a lucky boy to have such a loving family
Wish we could have been there. What sweet pictures!
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