Saturday, December 5, 2009

And the winner is........

I'm going with the Filipino name for grandmother cause it's cute and fun just like you.....and even reminds me of Lesley....probably because of the "L's"......anyhow I'm totally for "Lola".....Kathy Nelson.

Four out of six of my children loved the name especially with the Filipino connection. Congratulations Kathy!


The Super Seven said...

I love your kids!!! I always knew that they had great taste....I'm super excited for my prize as I've been dying to head to the movies. I'll have to get Georgia to call you would be too cute!!!

Liz said...

Congrats Lesley and Kathy! That must make you feel better that you have a name for yourself now Lesley.

WCreativeDesigns said...

Congrats Lola, this will be a fun time for you. Babies are so fun...especially when you didin't birth them.