So as most of you know by now, I'm going to be
g.....mother. Still having a hard time with that word, lol! Is it wrong to feel that way?

Since I'm having a hard time with the word, g....mother, I'm giving away a couple of movie tickets to the one who comes up with the best non-
g....mother name for me. I feel younger than my years and quite frankly, am not ready to be a g...mother. However I know what kind of
g....mother I don't want to be so that's half the battle. I'm looking forward to little Hayden coming into our lives after almost 9 months of getting use to th

e idea. I've even bought lots of clothes for him and have won the cutest booties from The Vintage Clo
thespin. Note how small they are on my Tim Horton's card. I know I will be a loving
g...mother I just need to have a really cool and funky name because inside that's how I feel. I know there are great examples of grandmothers out there that I want to be like when I grow up, the first being my mom. She has been an

exemplary grandmother over the years. See, I can use the "grandmother" word because it's not me I'm talking about. Another great grandmother is Jackie O'Hearon. She is so sweet and loving to her grandbabies that I'll be lucky if I'm as good as her and she didn't pay me to say these things either, lol! Ann Smith comes to my mind when I think of grandmothers who loves to cuddle and spoil her grandchild. With the incredible example of all three great women, I hope I can be a great
g...mother. So put on your "thinking" caps and send me some fun and funky names for my soon to be new role. One entry per blogger. Closing date will be Friday, December 19th wedding anniversary!
I'm the first one to comment.....maybe it bring me good luck.....I have some funny ones for you but I know you won't appreciate them.....I'm going with the Filipino name for grandmother cause it's cute and fun just like you.....and even reminds me of Lesley....probably because of the "L's"......anyhow I'm totally for "Lola".....but you do realize in the end they call you want they want to......that's how all of our Dad's became Pop and Poppy!!!
I have to agree with Kathy on how kids decide what they are going to be called. My mum really wanted to be plain old grandma...and Phil wanted his mom to be grammy...well Ethan heard the other kids and now calls both his grandmothers nanny. I don't have any great names though but remember the 'GRAND' in've earned that title!!
I heard of someone calling their Grandma, Glamma - I thought that was kind of fun. Good luck!
How about "Ami" or "GG" or "Gm"
I will continue to ponder on this deep question. But as Kathy says the dear little thing will call you what ever he wants. Right know I am aaamama, can't spell it really sometimes there is an r in there somewhere.. You'll have to get her to say it for you someday.
Nana, Meme, Gigi, Gima (gi-ma), Meemah, Maymay
These are my entries. Needless to say, whatever you decide, you'll rock!
My mom wanted to be Nanny, and a lot of my children ended up calling her Ninny because they couldn't pronounce it for awhile, They all call her what she wants now, so go with whatever strikes your fancy. They'll come around eventually.
how 'bout Tutu! That's gma in Hawaiian :) I bet Darren'd love that!!
In Spanish it is Hawaiian it is Tutu. those could be some name for you. When is Hayden coming into this world?
How about Mimi? (The second syllable of Grammie doubled) I have a couple of friends that use this - one who was a g--mum before 40 - and it's so cute. Also, the little one's (and future ones') friends can use it too! All my kids called her Mimi. There's always the French grammie too - Mamie.
Good luck!! xo
I've never met either of my Grandma's, so I don't have any brilliant, how about "Harmony"...that's the Korean word for Grandma, cute huh!
I have heard Mimi and Mimaw, and Mom-mom (don't know if that means 2 mom's = grandma?) I've always liked Oma (german) even though I'm not German... or drop the grand and be G-ma
I, like the others, have learned that kids will call you what they want. Hello I have been Grampa forever! I think that Gigi would be cute. I always think that it's cute when kids have special things that they call their grandparents. I think that it makes their relationship that much more special.
David used to call his grandmother Mama because he would only hear is mom talking and calling her Mama. I think its kind of cute!
Well my first thought was G-MAMA but that could have to do with living with a huband who thinks he's too cool for school. I like Lola like Kathy said. My friend calls her grandma Umma which is polish or ukrainian I think. Oooh or maybe you should train him to say "boss". Just so that the rest of the family has a cute little reminder of who's really in charge.
Oh my goodness, you guys have come up with some real good ones. I know Hayden will end up calling me whatever his little mouth can say but it's fun to dream, lol! Hayden is suppose to arrive sometime at the end of December, first week in January. Thank you...I know I couldn't have gotten through all this without my "blogging" friends.
Just to add another country: we called our Grandmas Oma or Omi in Germany. All the best to all of you!!
I LOVE Tutu!!!
Personally, I'm with that Renate person because I like when people call their g-parents Oma and Opa. I've also heard Nona (no-na) before and it sounds cute.
You could also bust out some ghetto fab names though and be G-unit or something... I knwo your such a gangster Lesley..
Chinese go by Ama which is easy for littles ones and doesn't sound grandmotherish.
BABUSHKA. Russian.
It sounds like (ba-boosh-ka!)
Think about funny it would be to have someone call you that? Maybe I'll try it out and call you that from now on.
Teta is Arabic incase you were interested..
Well.. that was fun. So there are my offers.
I hope I win because I really want to go to the movies for free when the loverboy comes.
Oh, heres one more.
It's the word blogspot is making me write to leave this comment.
Love you :)
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