Losing Oneself...
This is to all the readers out there. I have managed to read another couple of books since my last book post. I know you all have crazy busy lives but somehow those who love to read still manage to find some small part of the day to lose themselves in a good book. The first book is called, "Last of the Breed". The author is Louis L'amour. Now some of you may say, "who?", and some of you may actually recognize him. He is famous for his western fiction that contains a lot of historical details. Yes, you read correctly, westerns. My appetite for reading has led me down many avenues. Unfortunately, self-help books and sci-fi never really piqued my interest. I really enjoyed this book. Louis L'amour was very knowledge about American natives and their traditions and cultures. It is fascinating reading about the skills that they perfected in the art of war and survival. It is also sad to learn of the disappearing of so many different tribes. The author uses fictional story form to teach you about the many skills of the early settlers as well as the Native Americans, much like Gerald Lund
with the "Work and the Glory", series. My other good read was, "My Sister's Keeper",. Kathy Nelson loaned me this book and I must say I have a little more information on the subject of lukemia. The ending was the most shocking part of the book. Don't worry! I won't tell it for those of you who plan on reading it. There is currently a "movie" version being previewed at the theater. It will be interesting to see how much they kept to the book and we all know that they don't always do that. If anyone has read any good books lately, let me know. I'm always looking for a good read and the library is within walking distance of my home. So I'll get exercise and feed my mind as well, lol!
I've heard My Sister's Keeper is good, I'll have to read it!
Thanks for the suggestions. My family has a whole collection of Louis books that I think that I might dip into; if someone has beat me to it. I think that I might enjoy them. I read a mystery series by Jill Churchill a few years ago that I really enjoyed if you are still looking for more books. I got them from the library. Best of all they only take a day or two to get through. That's my kind of book.
I love Laddie by Gene Sratton-Porter, I just read it again for book club last month.
You might also like The Lonesome Gods by Lois L'Amour - it's a fairly quick read, I'm not much of a Western fan - but I did like that one.
And I just read the Omnivore's Dilemma - I found Michael Pollan to be a little long-winded, but the book was fascinating and changed the way I think about food.
Happy Reading!
I am writing those down for the next library trip. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll let you know what I thought.
I am going to try and see if I can find those books here. They sounds really good.
I'm a DAN BROWN fan, I know the DaVinci Code got all the attention, but he wrote several other books that I enjoyed much much more. I am glad that you are writing about your books on here because sometimes its hard to pick sometimes! Right now, of course I have zero time for reading I am up to my eyeballs in garden chores, but those will calm down soon!!
I want to read My Sister's Keeper but am afraid that I'll get too sad! I cried during a preview for the movie so I can only imagine what the book would do to me!
I love reading too!!!! My MIL just gave me a whole bunch to read so I started reading one called the Russian Concubine..so far so good. Another book I read from my other MIL was Good Hope Road by Lisa Wingate. It was a really inspirational read for me. Another good one, but a little sad was The Memory Keepers Daughter by Kim Edwards. I'll let you know more as I remmeber them.
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