There are times in our lives when opportunities come to you in the most unexpected manner and when this happens, you grab it and have a good time. I work with a group of women who comes from all walks of life and one of these women, Sandra happen to have a lovely daughter name Carla who just happened, to land a job at a new restaurant that opened not too long ago. M

oxie's is a Canadian business that started out west and has finally made it's way to the eastern shores of Nova Scotia. I had never heard of it before until my husband came home one day talking about their bathrooms and how famous they were for them. I thought that was rather strange since I usually critiqued a restaurant by it's food and not it's bathroom, lol! Apparently one of the trends of this franchise was to have a mock opening in which friends and families of the staff get to have a fine dining experience on the house. Now, maybe this is a regular occurrence in the restaurant world, but what do I know? A

nyway, Sandra invited me, and a few other of our co-workers along for this evening of fine dining. For anyone who is looking for a new place to eat that has good food and great ambience, Moxie's is one of those places. Now keep in mind that when we went, there were still a few things to be done, so what you're looking at is a peek of what you'll actually see when you visit this Canadian trademark. Regardless of those unfinished details, it was still quite beautiful and the food was amazi

ng. We were somewhat limited as to what we could order. We all had to pick a section of the menu and choose something from that section. Two people could not select something from the steak menu. Here's a sample of the me

nu and see why this was not a problem for us, lol! This was not all of the menu of course but it gives you an idea of the selection. It was amazing to see what everyone was ordering around us. We weren't able to order appetizers because they were concentrating on getting the main courses out to the customers but we were a

ble to enjoy non-alcoholic drinks with our dinner. I had a lime margarita, yummy! There's nothing like an evening out with people that you enjoy being around, good food and a great atmosphere. Oh, and let's not forget that it's free, lol! That was the sweetest part of this evening. The only unfortunate thing about the night was that I was under the weather and knew I wouldn't be a

ble to eat everything but thank goodness for doggie bags, hahahah! This is Debbie, our resource teacher. She had the beef vindaloo. It was fantastic!!!! If you like spicy food and curry too, this was th

e dish to get. Sandra ordered the chicken and ribs, which looked and tasted yummy! However because she ordered from that part of the menu, I couldn't order the steak and seafood dish that I wanted. But that was okay because it was Sandra who invited me to begin wi

th and I was more than okay with her having first choice. I had a mediteranean burger with feta cheese with a basil sauce and french fries. It was really good. I think this is the first time I have ever ordered a burger in a restaurant that wasn't fast food. I'm always of the mind that if I'm going to spend money on a meal like this, it has to be something mor

e than what I can cook at home. Either way it was enjoyable. Cathy ordered the philly steak sandwich and fries, which was so good. All in all it was a very fun and delicious evening. Of course what's a visit to a new

restaurant without a trip to the ladies room. I was really hoping to get into the men's room because according to my husband, they have lcd tvs over the urinals and throughout the bathroom. Alas, I had to give up on that idea. Our little venture to the loo
was quite incredible really. Upon entering the

bathroom, there was fireplace built into a wall of mosaic glass tiles. The room looked more like someone's dressing room. I'm usually one of those people who really try hard to not have to use the public washrooms unless out of desperation. However I have to say that this bathroom experience was unreal. Everything was very classy. I was a little disappointed though tha

t they didn't have the tvs installed. That was happening the next day and yes even the women's washroom were going to have tvs as well. These were the make-up chairs that are heated as well as have their own personal make-up mirrors that

wasn't installed as yet. No expense was spared when decorating this place. I wonder what it looks like in the mens room??? Oh well that would have to wait until I come back with my husband, lol. Of course I did save the best for last...the dessert and the bill. Desserts weren't being offered but I think the ma

itre'd really liked us...he spent about 20 minutes chatting with us at our table and taking pictures. Next thing we knew, we were getting complimentary desserts. It was beautiful to look at. It was called a banana xango(I think). It appeared to be delicious. I wouldn't know because at this point, I thought I was going to hurl. Not a good night to go out when you're under the weather. Oh well! What's a girl to d

o when presented with this kind of opportunity. As sweet as the dessert was, the bill was even sweeeeeeeter! The fun thing about this evening aside from all the food, friends and atmosphere, was that Sandra invited us to go back again the next night. We found out that they needed more people the next evening to practise on...unfortunately for me, I WAS SICK!
Lucky you! looks like a nice night out with the girls!
Sweet deal! Too bad you weren't feeling the best. Where is the resturant located?
It's located over at Dartmouth Crossings almost across from Michael's as you're going towards Wal-mart. It's one of those places that you want to make sure you're ready to spend about $60-$80.00. For us that would mean a special night out, lol!
Those make-up touch up chairs are hilarious! What a fun outing! Missing you on FB...haha!
Wow...sad that you were sick, but glad that you have fun.
They have Moxies at home!! Nice! Matt and I go there for a sort cheaper fancy night (but still more then eastsides of course)! I love the decor...very posh! And it's still kid friendly....we were just there on our trip out to the real world in January! Looks like a fun night out!
Sucks to be you and sick for the next night!
I hear you on the washroom front. At least you were in them in the beginning when everything was VERY clean. I wonder how they are going to keep the tv's clean in the bathrooms?
Looks very awesome! I might have to get Rand to go there with me the next time we are over to the temple.
Sounds fantastic.
I love moxies! I have to say that i've never been in their bathrooms though, they look awesome! If you ever go back, you need to try the white chocolate brownie! so good!
I can't believe I've been to moxies so many times when I was out west and never knew about the bathrooms!!!!! I'll have to keep an eye out for one in my neck of the woods!!! sounds like a blast!!!!
so have you been able to go back yet? Man that place looks amazing!!! And what a Restroom..Darren was not lying eh!
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